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Girls Athletics

A grantee of LA84 Foundation, YWCA Santa Monica / Westside's Girls Athletics Program comprises year-round basketball and volleyball leagues and clinics. Serving over 300 girls between the ages of 4 and 14 annually (and even women over 30!), the Girls Athletics Program gives girls the opportunity to learn how to collaborate with team members - working through the process of playing basketball and volleyball - to find their own personal level of motivation and excellence in a safe, healthy environment of respect and encouragement. Practices are held weekly with league and clinic games taking place on weekends.

Girls Winter Basketball League!


The league kicks off on Saturday, January 11, 2014, 1 pm, and runs through March 8. Girls ages 7 to 14 play each hour, starting with the youngest age division. Instructional, fundamentals league. Semi-competitive play. Knowledgeable referees. Play-offs and championship games! Cost is $150/player.



To reserve your spot right away for one or more of the above clinics or leagues:


  • Click HERE to select league and/or clinic and make payment.
  • Click HERE to print out/complete a registration form - which you can bring to the YWCA on the first day of practice.

For more information, click HERE to send your questions or contact Hilton Brown at (310) 452-3881, x125, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


YWCA YWCA Basketball Basketball promotes team play promotes team play builds builds
self-esteem and self-esteem and teaches teaches how to win how to win and lose! and lose!

Comments (3)
Friday, 05 November 2010 13:38
Maggie R.
Molly is 6 1/2 and would love to play basketball.do you have anything before jan, or should we just sign up for jan? she will be just shy of 7, but she's ok with slightly older kids. hope that's fine.

great program
Monday, 17 May 2010 10:43
McKenzie W.
This is a great program because it helps girls become more active.
Basketball League
Sunday, 29 November 2009 08:34
Eden K.
Our 7.5 year old daughter is eager to learn and play basketball. We are wondering if you accept students without prior team experience. Also, we are wondering about the schedule for the weekly practices. Thank you very much for your help.

Eden K.

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