After 12 years of marriage? No, this isn’t happening. The home I’ve known for so long is no longer mine.
~ I joined the YWCA’s Parent Support Group today. I didn’t know what to do, but knew that I needed to do something to get through this. ~ The YWCA has been a tremendous help to me during this extremely difficult time. I love the support group and see the YWCA as my anchor … my home away from home. I receive selfless support from this wonderful group while my children take classes, like karate and gymnastics, and have a great time. ~ I remembered today that Rahi and I started going to the YWCA’s Mommy & Me class when he was only a few months old. That seems like ages ago. Rahi is 7 now and the YWCA is a large part of our lives. I consider it a second home. Rahi even calls it "Barbara's School." But today, I had to drop out of the Parent Support Group because I need to work. This is a huge loss. ~ Anamika has really found her place at the YWCA! She is like a bird in flight when she dances. And she’s fearless on the balance beam! This is also her third year in the Girls In Action program. ~ The YWCA is such a comfortable place. I feel safe here. I have made lifelong friendships … it’s been 7 years already! What would I have done without this support? Without this anchor? ~ The YWCA realized that financial hardship should not prevent me from getting the support my children and I needed at a crucial point in our lives. They gave me a scholarship today so that I could continue to receive the services that have changed my life. ~ Looking back over the past 10 years, I feel blessed to have discovered the YWCA at such a critical, difficult point in my life. The parenting philosophies have helped me be the parent I have always longed to be. My children have developed new skills and made new friends. How can I give back to a place that has helped me in so many ways? ~ I hope that others are able to reap the benefits of the YWCA. For me, the YWCA will always be a very special part of my life. |